Dr. med. Karsten Klabe
Dr. Klabe is an international well recognized Ophthalmologist and surgeon in the field of glaucoma and the cornea. He was pioneering the introduction of the micro-implants as well as laser (PLT). In corneal transplantation, Dr. Klabe is an expert in the particularly gentle DMEK technique in which only individual corneal layers are transplanted.
Dr. Klabe has received numerous awards for his outstanding scientific work including several nominations as best paper at scientific conference.
Dr. Klabe has authored and co-authored 100+ scientific presentations and is also a highly respected international lecturer and invited speaker and chair.
Since 2015, Dr. Klabe is a partner of Breyer, Kaymak & Klabe Augenchirurgie in Düsseldorf where he holds the position of head surgeon for the treatment of glaucoma. Before that he was for 10 years the chief physician of the ophthalmologic clinic at the Marien Hospital, Düsseldorf.
Dr. Klabe is a co-operation partner of the International Vision Correction Research Center Networks (ICVR.net) of the Universitäts-Augenklinik Heidelberg and also engaged in the research institute for international innovative ophthalmologic surgery (I.I.O.), Düsseldorf.
Dr. Klabe has extensive experience as Principal Investigator and Coordinating Investigator.