DOG (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft) serves as the medical-scientific specialist society for ophthalmology in Germany and unites more than 7,800 physicians and scientists. DOG provides the ophthalmic surgical community with knowledge at the highest level and offers the industry an opportunity to represent their variety of services.
You can explore the full program at the DOG website. Below we present the details of the sessions (in German) presented by Dr. Florian Kretz.
Channel 3
Sonntag, 3.10.2021 11:30 – 12:15
Next Level Terminmanagement für mehrere Standorte in der Ophthalmalogie
Doctolib GmbH
Charlotte-Louise Bartsch (Berlin)
Der Vortrag behandelt das moderne Terminmanagement über mehrere Standorte in der Ophthalmologie. Mit dabei ist der Ophthalmologe Dr. med Florian Kretz und Dirk Behrend von Doctolib.
Terminmanagement in der ophthalmologischen Praxis
Florian Kretz (Ahaus)
Terminmanagement Doctolib inkl. F&A
Dirk Behrend (Berlin)